Saturday, June 24, 2017

Street performer Mr. Pika at Inokashira Park on a Saturday afternoon

An early summer Saturday with no big plans, I took my 3 year old son for a walk in the Inokashira Park.

In between the rainy days, today was a hot but sunny and pleasant day.

I took some pictures with my old Android phone...wishing I had a better camera with me to capture the park on this great day...!

Inokashira Park on the weekend is full of interesting people.
We came across a street performance, Mr. Pika's "Ganmen Kamishibai", or face kamishibai.

Mr. Pika's handmade kamishibai and his unique costumes attracted the kids as they sat and listened attentively to his crazy story.

The kids laughed, criticized Mr. Pika's costumes (or should I say, they were honest😆), danced, sang and yelled at the top of their lungs with Mr. Pika, and at the end, they all went home happy and satisfied.

My son with the orange cap sitting in the front

And apparently, Mr. Pika has a YouTube channel!
This belly button song was my son's favorite.
You have to be there to understand the unexplainable charm of this song 😅

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